Southern France Civilized Painting Adventure
How to use this blog.
Welcome to our very own painting adventure blog! I thought it would be a great way for us all to keep in touch and post information about our trip. The plan is to keep a trip diary of our daily travels so be sure to pass along the url to your friends and family.
The posts are arranged from the most recent to the oldest, so you may need to scroll through to find what you are looking for, or use the "Blog Archive" posted in a box to the right. You will also find a directory of related web sites on the right. If you have a web site of your own, please send it to me and I will add it to the list.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Farewell to Limoux 2010!

Thank you to all the wonderful friends who shared the French landscape with me.
 It was great to get to know you as we painted, 
dined and raised a glass of two.

The dates are set for my next painting trip to the south of France  
May 5 - 19, 2012
I hope you will join in the adventure with me.

I have saved a place just for you.

What I Saw - What I Made

My view at Rennes le Chateau - what I saw

-what I made

Here I am happily working on the above painting.  
My points of interest were the bright green field, the big trees at the 
edge of the cliff and the winding road in the distance.

Making Choices - Selecting and Eliminating
 To Simplify Your Paintings!

We all had our cameras clicking with so many wonderful things 
to see and paint. Now that you are back home it is time to get 
out your photos and paint. The first step is to decide what it is that 
you find most interesting - why did you take that photo?
Is it the flowers? The bridge? 
The landscape between the bridge supports?
They are all magnificent and worth painting, but the secret 
is to choose just oneto focus on.   

When the focus is on the trees and layers through 
the bridge your sketch might look like this:

When the focus is the flowers your painting 
might look like this:

Now it is your turn - happy painting!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Special moments

Great skies make dramatic subject matter!

Love those layers

 A peaceful day in Lagrasse

Night sky at the farm

Looking up

La Cargarol

St-Polycarpe garden

From the bridge in Puivert

Puivert wall

Rainbow on the way to the farm for dinner

A roadside stop to take in the view

Enjoying the view 1

Our roadside view 2

St Hilaire

A sunset behind a castle  - view from Isabelle's

The road home to Limoux

Mirepoix colour

A quiet place to rest

Special people

Trouble x 3

Dinner at the farm with friends

Fashion show in the garden

Friends on wheels

Our fearless leader Chris

Our team - TIBCO

Brooke at the starting line wearing the coveted red shirt - first in Sprints

Hard at Work

Gary and Biljana capture a castle or two in Lagrassie

Gary explains his plan of attack

                                        Marguerite likes a close-up view - Vals

Isabelle giving directions - Minerve

Nermin happy at painting on a windy day - Minerve

New friends and painting pals - Rennes le Chateau

Photo ops everywhere - our courtyard in Limoux

                                          Robert goes exploring in La Cagarol