Southern France Civilized Painting Adventure
How to use this blog.
Welcome to our very own painting adventure blog! I thought it would be a great way for us all to keep in touch and post information about our trip. The plan is to keep a trip diary of our daily travels so be sure to pass along the url to your friends and family.
The posts are arranged from the most recent to the oldest, so you may need to scroll through to find what you are looking for, or use the "Blog Archive" posted in a box to the right. You will also find a directory of related web sites on the right. If you have a web site of your own, please send it to me and I will add it to the list.

This is your blog too, so feel free to post your questions, comments or just say hello! You can do this by clicking just below on "comment".

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Answers to your questions...

Thanks to those of you who have emailed me questions!

What size tubes of paint do you take?
I use the large tubes of watercolour - 15 ml. I go through lots of paint and like it freshly squeezed. The little 5ml tubes are too tiny for me and cost wise much more expensive! I do know that DVP and the lines they make come in larger tubes - great value and good stuff, but of course it does add to the overall weight and prob. more paint than you will use in two weeks.

Can you take your brushes in the carry on or do they have to be in the checked baggage?I would put your brushes in your checked luggage. There really shouldn't be a problem, but the security will take away knitting needles from little old ladies and I did have a pair of pliers taken so, best not to take a chance.

What size suitcase are you taking?
You should check with the airlines to see what is allowed for luggage. Most limit to 2 bags checked, max 50lb each. It is surprising how quickly I reach that weight limit. My plan is to only take one bag and my back-pack or smaller case. My suitcase is 24 x 18 x 10. It does have expendable sides that increase the depth by a couple of inches. I notice lots of people at the airports with much larger bags.
Have you seen those nifty vacu-pack bags? I have a couple for packing sweaters - they work great! The ones I have are just "zipped" and rolled to compress the air. They are easy to use and allow you to pack more in less space. (they don't reduce the weight!) You can find them at department stores, Walmart, and good old Canadian Tire.

We do need to lug our stuff up a long set of stairs so perhaps two lighter bags would be a smart idea - just figure out a way to hook them together for wheeling though the airport.
Dress code?
The dress is very casual - there is no need to bring fancy clothes and shoes. You might like to bring one nicer outfit, but there is no where that we go that casual won't work. I pack mix and match, wash and wear - makes it easier. There is a laundry mat down the street, but most people just wash socks, unders, and Ts and hang in the shower or out on drying racks in the courtyard on warm days.
What is the weather like?
I have added a link to weather in Limoux at the right side of the blog. I do remember that it was on the "fresh" side. You will need to take a jacket and a sweater/sweatshirt or two.

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