Southern France Civilized Painting Adventure
How to use this blog.
Welcome to our very own painting adventure blog! I thought it would be a great way for us all to keep in touch and post information about our trip. The plan is to keep a trip diary of our daily travels so be sure to pass along the url to your friends and family.
The posts are arranged from the most recent to the oldest, so you may need to scroll through to find what you are looking for, or use the "Blog Archive" posted in a box to the right. You will also find a directory of related web sites on the right. If you have a web site of your own, please send it to me and I will add it to the list.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010 - Collioures

Plans are well underway for our trip! .

As mentioned in our earlier information I am arranging for us to have one night in Collioures - "City of Painters". You can find lots of information on this Mediterranean village on the internet. To get you started, visit:

We will stay at a local hotel for this one night. This cost of the hotel for the one night is an added excursion that is not covered in our fees. The cost should be approximately 75 - 110 euros for a double room. There are also more expensive rooms available, but I would like to keep these additional costs as reasonable as possible. It is important to note that the accommodations are not of the usual "American Standard", but our host has checked them out and we will enjoy the village charm and "French Standard" such as smaller rooms with single beds. You will also need to cover your breakfast.

***This trip is optional! Should you decide that you don't want to participate, you may stay at Le Monastere.

In order to reserve the correct number of rooms I need to know if you would like to join me in this beautiful seaside village, or if you prefer to stay at Le Monastere.

Where possible, I plan to pair up students - so you would share with your regular roommate. If, however you would like to have a room to yourself, please let me know so that I can reserve the correct number of rooms.

I feel very confident that once you have a look at the photos of Collioures you will be as excited about this extra adventure as I am!
Please let me know as soon as possible what your thought are and if you wish to spend a day on the French Mediterranean coast!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda. It looks great to me. Count me in. How should we pay for this?
