Southern France Civilized Painting Adventure
How to use this blog.
Welcome to our very own painting adventure blog! I thought it would be a great way for us all to keep in touch and post information about our trip. The plan is to keep a trip diary of our daily travels so be sure to pass along the url to your friends and family.
The posts are arranged from the most recent to the oldest, so you may need to scroll through to find what you are looking for, or use the "Blog Archive" posted in a box to the right. You will also find a directory of related web sites on the right. If you have a web site of your own, please send it to me and I will add it to the list.

This is your blog too, so feel free to post your questions, comments or just say hello! You can do this by clicking just below on "comment".

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Gang!

What a great group of people we have for our trips! I would like to officially welcome each of you and take this opportunity to introduce you.

April 24 - May 8                 

Anne Yundt                                
Barbara Rohde                          
Kathleen Dean                            
Shirley Clur                                
Janine Sobiski                           
Shirley Lancaster                       
Gale Abbey                                
Don Beaton
Sue Roth
Jim Roth

May 8 - 22

Biljana Baker
Liza Carter
Marilyn Roth
Margueritte Dastoor
Lynda Eads
Gary Duncan
Nermin Tekes

Please let me know if you have a web site or work posted on the internet - you will find a link to Biljana, Gary, Barbara and Tony's art at the right.
I will up-date our list with info. as to where you call home (I have requested this from the office). Do I have the correct spelling of your name? If not send me an email so I can make the correction.

Thanks for the corrections Gale, Anne and Janine!


  1. Hi Linda,
    Nice to see who's coming, thanks for posting the list. Also, thanks for posting my website and others'. What a talented group.
    Question - when will you post the list of paints? I did get the sealable palette you mentioned but before I fill it, I'd like to determine if I need to buy any suggested paints. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the reminder Barb - I will post my colours soon!
